Argo Geological Consultants offer a wide range of Geoscientific Services, which are available in the form of the secondment of our staff to the hydrocarbon and geothermal industry.
Since our establishment in 1987, Argo consultants have gained expertise in an extensive range of E&P techniques currently applied at major oil companies. Argo can offer you the services of geoscientists with the experience, expertise and skills needed in fields as diverse as seismic interpretation, stratigraphic prediction, reservoir modelling and evaluation, prospect review, geoscience data management, etc.
Normal practice is that Argo Consultants are seconded to the Clients office, where they participate in multidisciplinary teams. This facilitates the standardised use of data, hard- and software and allows for an optimal Client/Argo interaction. Team integration results in a streamlined working relationship leading to higher quality delivery and performance.