Richard Huis in ’t Veld

Senior Reservoir Geologist / Seismic Interpreter
Senior Consultant Partner

Co-founder of Argo Geological Consultants. Richard has been seconded at several clients amongst which NAM, Shell Peru, Wintershall Noordzee and ONE-DYAS. His main fields of expertise are in production geology, reservoir modelling and seismic interpretation. He has been involved in various field development-planning projects, such as the Field Development Plans for NAM’s Norg and Grijpskerk Underground Gas Storage fields, as well as equity determinations. Richard is at present working for one of our client on several exploration projects and new gas field developments in the Dutch Offshore.

Richard is the lead author of the Upper Carboniferous chapter of the update of the Geology of the Netherlands due to be published end 2024.

Sadly Richard passed away much too early in April 2024.